By the summer of 2022, virtual archive aboot student life in Zagreb gathered many collaboraters and various material, presented in the Topotheque They: Live Zagreb. While student team from five countries started to prepare international photo exhibition exhibition, ICARUS Croatia organized creative workshop in the Institute of History of Art in Zagreb, led by young artist Iva Ružić. The two-day workshop was open to students, young artists, cultural workers, and heritage experts interested in communicating and engaging with student life from personal, commune and generation perspectives.
As the main ingredient and the core of the motifs of the new compositions that was collaged at the workshop, participants used photos from a digital collections of photographic material documenting student life in They: Live Topotheques, including the one dedicated to Zagreb, and they were also invited to contribute their own photos and visual submissions. Through the joint creation of contemporary art using democratically collected archival material, we wanted to raise awareness of its ethnographic, social, and artistic potential and opening new ways for participation in art and writing history.
The workshop gathered 15 participants which prepared collaged that were presented to public during the exhibition “Do I live now as much as THEY: LIVEd then?” in Student Centre Zagreb in October 2022.
This work was presented by artist Iva Ružić in magazine @rhivi no 11 (Kaj ga fotki! - Kolažiranjem starih fotografija do demokratizacije pisanja lokalne povijesti), and by student Marko Kolić in @rhivi no 12 (Studentski angažman u samodokumentiranju i arhiviranju: They: Live izložba).