The Academy of Applied Arts of the University of Rijeka (APURI)

The Academy of Applied Arts of the University of Rijeka (APURI)

The Academy of Applied Arts of the University of Rijeka (APURI), Croatia, was founded in 2005 as a higher education institution in the field of arts that develops undergraduate and graduate study programs in two key areas; fine arts pedagogy and applied arts.

Applied arts courses include compulsory and elective courses in graphic design and visual communications, printmaking, illustration, new media, acting, scenography and costume design, objects for body and space, glass, mosaics and ceramics, and related theoretical subjects. Centers were launched (Design and Production Center, Center for Innovative Media, Center for Sculpture) with the aim of further producing project work created within extracurricular activities of professors and students.

Classes and syllabuses are focused on obligatory teaching and on project assignments related to professional institutions and non-profit organizations. The Academy in Rijeka is thus recognized as the center of the cultural and creative sector.



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